Romanian Sayings Served Up on a Plate

We Want a Country Like Outside – Is This Bad Joke? April Fools!


”We Want a Country Like Outside”

A Romanian Saying ”We want a country like outsidepresents the propaganda of the imposed dream for Romania to become like the other countries, implying that it’s undeveloped and the people uncivilized, thus allowing easily the process of reeducation with disgust of everything that is Romanian, allowing the destruction of the country to be done easily, and the exodus of Romanians out of the country to be deliberate.

It all seems like a bad joke and feels like everything was done intentionally.

I already mentioned in my previous blog post that my starting point for creating this new conceptual food photography series was the moment when I realized that the prices of basic food are ridiculously high when our country has the production capacity to produce our basic needs and our farmers are being sabotaged and have to throw away their goods or give them to the animals. I don’t think it’s about “if and how” long we can afford food, but about principles and values. From this point of view, we have reached a country like outside.

From old times, our people had the tradition to make “different craziness and jokes” in the “week of the fools” appearing masked and using extraordinary elements to parody the unnormal, the children exposing the joke and ending with a big celebration. Follows a time with practices for purifying the space and regaining harmony and balance.

I would ask again, why did we allow this situation to happen, but I will simply ask, how long will we detest this country and all the richness it has given us? And more important, how do we regain harmony and balance?

I assure you it’s a joke! All just a joke!

“April fool, hit the gravel!a saying from my area, on the 1st of April!

We Want a Country Like Outside - Romanian Idioms Imagined by a Curly Mind

All Rights Reserved 2023 DACIANA LIPAI © – We Want a Country Like Outside 


Feel free to share this with your art-lover friends or with anyone who can use a nice word. Leave a comment or drop me a line. I would love to hear from you.

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Lots of love, Daciana

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