I am so happy to present this award!
My new series Romanian Sayings Served Up on a Plate was awarded at the well-known photography contest ND AWARDS 2023.
My series is an artistic metaphor that emphasizes the knowledge of Romanian sayings and proverbs gathered from the wisdom of the people, confronted with the new reality created through manipulated truth and lies, served up daily on a plate.
While we are witnessing the creation of a mind prison, built on fear, hate, wars, hunger, violence, and the destruction of everything we hold dear, our beliefs and moral values, here, in the cradle of European civilization, we dare to cling blindly to ancestral teaching, which has maintained the continuity of the Romanian nation for thousands of years, and not through wars and invasions, but through peace, love, and faith.
DACIANA LIPAI 2023 © Romanian Sayings Served Up on a Plate SERIES ~ ND Awards
DACIANA LIPAI 2023 ©Romanian Sayings Served Up on a Plate SERIES ~ ND Awards
#photopoetry #ConceptualFineArtPhotography #DacianaLipai #photopoem #ThePhotopoetryBook #ThePhotopoet
You can read more about Romanian Sayings Served Up on a Plate here.
You can read more about ND Awards here.

Thank you to the organizers at ND Awards!

Lots of love,