How many times where you stuck, waiting, unable to make a decision?
For every word, for every thought, for every dream… this long waiting, of indecision and confusion, feels a lifetime.
So many times we are bombarded with information and do not know anymore what to believe when everything becomes conflicting.
So many times we have heard, not now tomorrow, you’ll have to wait a little bit more… except, in reality, that feels a lifetime.
The feeling of waiting a lifetime until you are worthy to live your deserved life.
The feeling of waiting a lifetime until you have permission so you can truly live.
How many times have you waited and felt a lifetime?

Every unsaid word
Every unwanted thought
Every forgotten dream
Every second, split in two
Becomes a lifetime.
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Because I have experienced loss, grief, and depression, and I understand the one that is standing in that place, broken, lost and lonely, I hope that my work brings comfort to the brokenhearted.
If you don’t heal your heart, the sadness will spread.
In my projects, I am hoping to open a path of healing for others.
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If you want to read more about the Photopoetry Project, you can download the FREE e-book The Fine Art Photopoetry Manifesto here.