I wrote on BoredPanda an article presenting myself, describing my creative process, and my personal vision of combining my poems into my fine art photography, and presenting my newest project ISOLATION – a photopoetry series.
Isolation – A Photopoetry Series: I Write Poems And Depict Them Into A Surreal Self-Portrait Photography, I Create Photopoetry (you can read all about it here).
Find the endless rivers of love in your heart,
you’ll be alright,
whatever may come.
. . .
My name is Daciana Lipai, I was born in Romania, and presently I am quarantining in Spain. My recent work entitled “ISOLATION – A PHOTOPOETRY SERIES” started from being in a very dark place in my life and having to deal with all the negative emotions that come with loss, grief, anxiety, a concept that encapsulates the feeling of loneliness and isolation. I wanted to evoke a deep, persistent state of nothingness, the human condition troubled by the transience of life that stands under the question mark of existence, purpose, and meaning, in which we all find ourselves.
In my art, I am creating a space in-between photography and poetry, reality and dream, images and words, logic and emotions. I am building a frame that carries the viewer beyond the material world, and it dares to be a bridge between what you see and what you feel, what you know and what you experience. Questioning the essence of life, I try to bring a dramatized emotion – a raw emotion, which is the tension between the two worlds. It is a safe place where the heart can heal.
In my project, I am hoping to open a path of healing for the one that is feeling overwhelmed by the feeling of ISOLATION, a safe place where the heart can heal.
In order to heal a negative emotion, you must acknowledge, feel, experience. And let it go.
I choose to photo-manipulate a surreal fantasy world in which I can let go of all my thoughts and emotions, and let them go.
There will come a time in everyone’s life that we will have to face the questions of who we are, where are we going and what is our purpose in this world.
Humanity is facing a big existential crisis, as the scenario of this world as we know it, is changing fast. We need to pause for a second. And introspect. Search inside ourselves. Reflect on the real and illusory, good and evil, the important and the ephemeral.
This will be probably the biggest lesson of your life.
In the darkest and deepest oceans of grief, we will find our true essence. We see how fragile life is.
In isolation, we notice there is evil in every broken heart, and we have to heal the wound that we didn’t even know existed.
While countries are in lockdown, with isolation only escape, we have to lock down and isolate our minds. For some, it is a question of numbers. For others, it is a question of hysteria and mass control. For a few, it is a question of love.
All becomes a question of faith.
When we will feel the shorten of breath, we will start to understand how precious one deep breath is.
Where the human ends, God begins.
After going through a dark time in my life, I started exploring my life and my emotional state. Searching for a way of self-expression, I created a new art form, photopoetry: written poetry, depicted in a magical emotional conceptual world. I want my imagery to move beyond the realm of photography into a deep contemplative space, where the viewer can deep dive and question everything about the world: time, faith, meaning, hope, purpose, and ponder upon the nothingness of existence.
I am a photopoet.
I create photopoetry.
Photopoetry is a fusion of fine art photography and poetry, written poetry on a piece of paper, captured in photographs. In my art, I am creating a space in-between photography and poetry, reality and dream, images and words, logic and emotions.
If you don’t heal your heart, the sadness will spread.

Leave a comment and let me know how you’re holding up, let me know if you liked the article. I’ve been locked down in quarantine, far away from home, and I would honestly love to hear from you.
Lots of love
Take care and stay safe!