Do you ever feel like you fall over and over again until you can find yourself? Do you ever feel the burden of the heavy path when trying to find your true self?

And I will fall.
And again.
And yes.
It hurts. A lot.
And I will start again
I could let go
I could just walk away
I could forget it all
I become myself
. . .
If you want to read more about the Photopoetry Project, you can download the FREE e-book The Fine Art Photopoetry Manifesto here.
A project of deep love. A reflection on life and death, loss, and purpose. A journey to resilience.
you can see more about the photopoetry project here:
Coming out of the darkest time of my life I understood the importance of telling my story. I hope that my art will bring everyone that had their share of losses a path and encouragement to find happiness in their life again.